
Fast and Furious Cream Cheese Rolls

So why do I call these fast and furious? For a few reason. If you forget to make them they can be done fast, if you need something to take to someone’s house in a hurry, they are fast, and because that’s how fast they leave the table. 

My mom would make these all the time when I was a kid as appetizers when she would need to bring something to a party or even as sometime extra for a pot luck or a side with dinner.

These little bits of heaven are so delicious, rich, creamy, ridiculously simple and dirt cheap! Yes so many words to describe something so simple!

Three ingredients and it makes a ton of appetizers. At first I am not sure if people know what to expect when they see them, but after a bite they keep coming back for more. Cream cheese, picante sauce, and tortillas. What more can you ask for? By the way these are super cute at a baby girl baby shower because the filling is nice and pink.

  • 12 pack of flour tortillas
  • 1 small jar of picante sauce (I use Pace Mild)
  • 1 package of cream cheese (room temperature)

  1. Take cream cheese out and let it come to room temperature. This is important or your cheese will be lumpy.
  2. To your room temperature cream cheese add picante sauce. A little bit at a time until you have a nice cream cheese picante sauce ration. You don’t want too much picante sauce or it will be soupy, but you don’t want your cream cheese to be white either.
  3. Keep adding until it’s just perfect. Your cream cheese will be nice and spreadable, but not too thin. I caution you to add the picante slowly because you can’t take it out once you have gone too far, and if you go too far it will be too messy to use with the tortillas.
  4. Next add a few tablespoons to a tortillas them roll, but not too tightly. You don’t want all of your mixture to come back out so don’t over fill either. Once you have a nice rolled tortilla cut it into about one inch rounds and lay then on the cut side down.
  5. Keep repeating until you are out of your filling.
  6. Served chilled. 

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1 thought on “Fast and Furious Cream Cheese Rolls”

  1. Hi Nicole! I never get time to stop by here, and a long time ago I had signed up for your e-mail, so I do peek now & then, but I saw these and had to pin-it!!! I love these, and I keep forgetting how to make them. They're so neat to bring with to a party when they say, \”Bring a dish to pass\”! Thanks so much & wow I have to try this Picante thing! Thanks too for simple ABC instructions for people like me! hahaha Have a great weekend & I shall be back more often. Promise. Now to go look & see if you have any give-aways! ~snicker-snicker~ and follow you every way I can! Bye for now! Now I know why I don't stop by as often as I should… the dreaded CAPTCHA!!! 😦


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